Treated Water for Better Life With MEL
Water treatment plant
Residential, commercial and industrial applications
Water treatment plant

Live Healthy And Sound With Our Water Treatment Facility
Modern Erection Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company associated with the Water Treatment Business for more than 20 years. We are proud to inform you that, MEL has installed more than 1,000 water treatment plants in Bangladesh.
we are providing all types of water treatment facilities for Houses, Apartments, and Industries. We in MEL Group will strive for excellence in our service to the industry.
We have delivered different types of Water Treatment Services in Bangladesh. They are RO Plant, Water Softener Plant, UV System, Fabric Inspection Machine, Water Pre-Treatment System, WTP For Industrial Process, Central WTP For House and Apartments and Central WTP For Hotels and Hospitals
Our Constant goal is to achieve the highest degree of customer satisfaction. It is our philosophy, that the quality service provided against each product we represent, will give us the winning edge.
MEL has a very sound R&D and service department So that MEL’s clients can always enjoy the best qualities. We are committed to serving as dedicated professionals to provide specialized solutions.
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