Most Experienced Traders of BangladeshYuanda boiler
Most Experienced Traders of BangladeshYuanda boiler
World's best Chinese owned
World's Best Yuanda Industrial Boiler in Bangladesh
The Hena Yuanda Boiler is one of the best industrial boilers imported by Modern Erection Limited (MEL) into Bangladesh. Yuanda boiler started its journey of manufacturing in 1956. We feel so proud to be the one and only authorized distributor of a boiler manufacturer company. They have spent over 60 years in Boiler Industry to make it highly productive with quality.
Yuanda Boiler has a reputation in China for being the first boiler manufacturer in China. We are currently importing the three major types of Yuanda boiler and boiler components from their origin, and they are Coal Fired Boiler, Biomass Steam Boiler, and Economizer. The most dependable part of Yuand boiler is all the Yuanda boiler are tailor-made and is designed to be fit with business include fuel efficiency, capacity, pressure and many more
In the perspective of an industrial revolution country like Bangladesh, the Yuand boiler is being used in such Print & Dyeing mills, Fertilizer Plant, Rubber factories, Feed Mills, Hotels, Bath Centres, Schools, etc.
The wet back structure and low maintenance cost make the boiler more effective in terms of Fertilizer Plant and Dyeing Mils of Bangladesh.

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